Pupil Safety
On this page, you can find information and helpful links regarding Internet safety.
If you wish to report an Internet safety incident directly to us, you can:
Email our eSafety team at: info@strandpa.org.uk
Or, if you would rather discuss a matter with our Principal on the telephone or in person, please contact our office on: (01472) 354605 to arrange an appointment.
Please be assured that we take all incidents seriously and do our best to ensure the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.
You can read our E-Safety policy on our Statutory Information page here.
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using technology. Whether on social media sites, through a mobile phone, or gaming sites, the effects can be devastating for the young person involved. There are ways to help prevent a child from being cyberbullied and to help them cope and stop the bullying if it does happen.
Spot the signs
Your child might be reluctant to tell you that they are worried about cyberbullying so it’s important to look out for the signs:
- Stopping using their electronic devices suddenly or unexpectedly
- Seeming nervous or jumpy when using their devices, or becoming obsessive about being constantly online
- Any changes in behaviour such as becoming sad, withdrawn, angry, or lashing out
- Reluctance to go to school or take part in usual social activities
- Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach upsets
- Avoiding discussions about what they’re doing online or who they’re talking to
For further information and help please visit: