This year we are proud to announce that the Foundation Stage Christmas Performance will be – Whoops a Daisy Angel!!!
This is the story of a disorganised but lovable angel who is chosen to show the way to Bethlehem.
Our wonderful children are currently working hard learning lines and singing songs ready to perform to you all.
There will be two performances, both on Wednesday 8th December.
The morning performance will be at 10:45am and for this performance we ask that it is adults only.
The afternoon performance will be at 1pm and you are welcome to bring younger siblings to this performance.
Tickets are £1 per adult, which we have to limit to 2 per family this year, and will be on sale from Monday 28th November from the school office. Your ticket will include a tea or coffee and a mince pie (COVID restrictions allowing).
For more information please see the letter your child will bring home. It will also be available in the Letters sections on this website.